
Halaman depan > political

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don't sell our future
fossil fuels burn
the earth gets hotter
ice melts, seas rise
investors prosper
the future dies
IMG_4.JPG IMG_4.JPG IMG_22.JPG IMG_22.JPG futuresale.jpg futuresale.jpg IMG_2445.JPG IMG_2445.JPG IMG_2364.JPG IMG_2364.JPG

Informasi file
Nama file:futuresale.jpg
Nama album:tom calderon / political
Katakunci:climate crisis global emergency ecocide species extinction oil coal gas fracking carbon temperatures floods hurricanes draughts migrations
Ukuran file:417 KB
Tanggal dimasukkan:01 Okt 2019
Dimensi:2176 x 1277 pixel
Tampilkan:367 kali dilihat
Favorit:Masuka ke favorit