
> political

클릭하여 원래 크기로 보기
nuclear extinction
In the global competition among the "great powers," the US Empire is threatening war with nuclear armed China and Russia, trying to achieve the unachievable fantasy of full spectrum dominance. This is a picture of humanity's extinction if this belligerence escalates into even a "small" nuclear exchange.
koolaid3.jpg koolaid3.jpg badmoon.jpg badmoon.jpg nukextinct.jpg nukextinct.jpg rainbow.jpg rainbow.jpg careless.jpg careless.jpg

파일 정보
앨범명:tom calderon / political
키워드:USA China Russia North Korea nuclear winter warfare mini-nukes doomsday treaties extinction humanity empire
파일 크기:556 KB
입력 날자:7월 30, 2020
디멘죤:1101 x 1473 화소
조회수:112 회
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